Dear SPE Aberdeen members, colleagues and friends,
This month we re-imagined the section’s Kick Off meeting to formally start our journey to Re-Imagining SPE Aberdeen.
These are challenging times for our industry in terms of its identity, relevance and economics. To meet these challenges SPE Aberdeen has launched an initiative to ask itself fundamental questions about its purpose and actions to ensure we have an SPE Aberdeen that is fit for purpose for the coming decades. At this months kick off meeting we asked challenging questions about our response to the Energy Transition debate, how we know if we have Diversity and Inclusion right, how do we generate funds to support our outreach responsibilities when our traditional funding model has broken down and how we should be organised to face the challenges of 2020.
An enthusiastic team of SPE Aberdeen volunteers facilitated by members of our Young Professionals community generated ideas and insight on these topics which will be the core of our Board Meeting discussions over the coming months. The world is changing rapidly and I am very grateful to those who gave their time and energy to steer the SPE Aberdeen ship into the future.
We are not the only ones asking ourselves the big questions. I would encourage you to read 2021 SPE President Thomas Blasingame’s interview in this month’s JPT. You will receive this newsletter during “BP Week” where Bernard Looney and his colleagues will set out BP’s vision of the future.
Best wishes and stay safe,
Kenny McAllister
SPE Aberdeen Chair