Dear SPE Aberdeen members, colleagues and friends,
I hope this newsletter finds you and yours in good health.
One of the SPE’s technical themes is the Digital Oilfield. It’s happening and there is no going back!
We have been forced to replace our face to face discussions with digital pixels and laptop speakers. Personally, I miss a handshake and the nuances in the reactions of a life-sized face. Nothing will fully replace the visceral experience of a face to face discussion. Yet there are opportunities to build deeper relationships in the unprecedented times. Zoom / GoToMeeting / Skype and Teams have allowed us to meet the partners, children and pets of our industry colleagues – not always intentionally. My black Labrador Ghillie has made a few appearances – a couple on camera but mostly sonically– who knew he snored that loudly?! In addition, we have learned about the extra-curricular passions through the backgrounds – real and imposed.
This month has seen our first Evening Technical Meeting delivered remotely. The digital delivery wasn’t as simple as running the same event over the internet earlier in the day. The team practiced the intro, handovers and had worked their plan to manage the Q&A session. I congratulate the team for delivering a very professional, fun and booked out event.
Always innovative, the Topsides conference committee replaced their hugely successful business breakfasts with a coffee and a chat format delivered digitally. The feedback was incredible and we are looking for opportunities for other conference events to keep their communities engaged throughout the year.
We continue to work on the delivery of the Continuing Education programme, working with TECA, Mearns & Gill and others to explore fully digital, in person and mixed events. One of the things we have learned is there is no going back – some of our delivery will be remote – both remote presenters and exhibitors and remote attendance. We have seen the opportunities in delivering our technical programme in the digital domain – the inclusion of those with mobility challenges and the inclusion of world class presenters without the need for travel.
Finally, I would like to thank all of my SPE friends and colleagues involved in our annual report to the SPE. I think the final submission reflected the excellent work done all through the year.
Best wishes and stay safe.
Kenny McAllister
SPE Aberdeen Chair