YP Simplified Series. Innovative Completion Technologies – Communication is the Key to Success. Bruce Robertson, Weatherford

February 2020

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YP Simplified Series Presents:

Innovative Completion Technologies – Communication is the Key to Success

Bruce Robertson, Applications & Engineering Manager, Weatherford


Registration and networking from 6.00 pm, with the event starting at 6.45 pm

Abstract: The world is becoming a wireless society. There is much talk of digitising the oil-field, production 2.0 and big data. These efforts tend to focus on dealing with data that is already being collected. The development of down-hole electromechanical tools has progressed apace over the last 5-10 years yet have been slow to gain traction in well completions and construction applications. Many industries, particularly safety critical one’s are reluctant to change, preferring instead conventional “time-proven” solutions and the oil industry is no different.

It’s often said that “necessity is the mother of invention”, the sustained lower oil price environment is the necessity that the industry has needed to drive it towards innovative technologies. This talk will review two case-studies where innovative technology has been applied successfully to hydraulically fracture a 7-zone, 1,500m horizontal section and to install a single-trip completion in a challenging deep-water environment shortening install time by half.


Biography: Bruce joined Weatherford in 2013 and has enjoyed various technical, sales and operations management roles in the UK and further afield. Prior to joining Weatherford (enticed by the completion technologies being introduced to the market), Bruce spent 17 years with Halliburton.

Bruce is author of several SPE papers and journal articles on subjects such as drilling with liners, well control, matrix acidizing, conformance, proppant fracturing, open-hole completion’s, re-fracturing, single trip completions and has been granted two oil industry patents.


