YP Simplified Series Presents:
Technology and Innovation – How to Deliver a Net Zero Offshore Industry
Ana Pires de Almeida, Innovation Technical Assistant, Oil & Gas Technology Centre
Registration and networking from 6.00 pm, with the event starting at 6.45 pm
Abstract: The oil and gas industry can be an enabler for the transition to a net zero economy: powering the delivery of new wind farms, driving the creation of hydrogen and carbon storage economies, enabling healthy and productive lives. In order to achieve this transition, it is important to look at the Industry’s own carbon footprint and find options to minimise emissions. This presentation will focus on the role of technology and innovation in unlocking decarbonisation opportunities, integrating offshore energy sources and transitioning to a net zero offshore industry that supports national goals.
Biography: Ana works on the analysis of emerging trends and technologies that can address the challenges of the Oil and Gas industry and increase resilience to future environments. Ana obtained an MSc degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at NOVA University of Lisbon and is passionate about the development of technologies to enable a cleaner and more sustainable energy industry. In her spare time Ana studies photography, enjoys reading and road cycling.
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