YP Simplified Series. Big Data: Making Sense of Information and Analytics in Oil and Gas by Steve Rossiter, AgileTek

September 2018

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YP Simplified Series Presents:

Big Data: Making Sense of Information and Analytics in Oil and Gas

Steve Rossiter, Managing Director, AgileTek

Registration and networking from 6.00 pm, with the event starting at 6.45 pm


Big Data has arisen from the combined progress of data storage, computing power and web technology. This talk will give a short history of these developments and then present the range of technologies that now take large amounts of data, from sources including monitoring systems, ERP/CRM systems, site and survey data and production records, and make use of the information generated.

The opportunities for engineers are that by analysing this data, many questions can be answered, including:

  1. How can I predict if this supplier can meet the agreed lead time?
  2. Can we predict when we are likely to see increases in production defects?
  3. What are the bottlenecks on the production line and how can we predict how much impact they have?
  4. How can we use sales and design activity data to predict future production requirements?

Many companies selling Big Data services are purely focused on revenue enhancement, however this presentation will look at how it can be used to improve safety, quality control and your ability to forecast, and move to evidence-based decision making rather than relying on the intuition of individuals.


Since graduating in 2007, Steven Rossiter has risen rapidly through the subsea engineering industry, becoming managing director of AgileTek at just 30.

Steve has an MEng in Aerospace from the University of Sheffield and is responsible for the day-to-day running of AgileTek. He also leads the company’s software development projects including development of a cloud-computing cluster and analysis automation system.

Steve is passionate about finding new technology that can be used to solve long-standing problems.

Download the presentation by clicking the link below.

INT002-MEET-056 SPE Big Data Talk 5-Sep-2018



Free to attend but booking is essential.

Any problems with booking please get in touch with Diane Wood aberdeen.manager@spe-uk.org
