SPE Aberdeen Evening Dinner Meeting: Greater Britannia Area Asset Management: Markel Hubinette, ConocoPhillips.

January 2017

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Greater Britannia Area Asset Management.

Markel Hubinette, Asset Manager Greater Britannia Area , ConocoPhillips.


The Britannia field, situated 210km northeast of Aberdeen in water depths of ~450 feet was discovered in 1975. It took 15 years and 22 wells to confirm it was a single accumulation. The formation of Britannia Operator Limited in 1994 made the field the first UK sector North Sea asset to be operated jointly by two companies, ConocoPhillips and Chevron.

An eight-legged tubular-framed substructure, the largest in the history of the North Sea, was installed in the mid 90’s and in 1997 a 14 slot 750t subsea production manifold was added 15km west of the platform. The heated flowline bundle back to the processing facility was the longest ever fabricated and the first to utilise a heater carrier pipe to prevent hydrate formation.

First gas production occurred in August 1998 with peak plateau production in 2000, contributing 8% of the total UK gas supply.

With Britannia as the hub and export routes for both gas and liquids other opportunities in the area could now be matured. A four-leg jacket Bridge Linked Platform was added to receive production from the Brodgar and Callanish fields, which came on-line in July 2008. Two more Britsats fields, Enochdhu and Alder were added in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

To maintain a competitive cost per barrel while combatting production decline, the partners evaluated further opportunities to explore efficiency improvements and increase collaboration while never compromising on safety. This led to the integration of BOL, Britannia Operated Limited, into ConocoPhillips in November 2015.

With an Integrated Operations philosophy driving operational performance and a professional technical team evaluating further tie-backs of both equity and third party production to Britannia, ConocoPhillips has truly adopted the MER spirit and will continue to create value for all stakeholders in the years to come.


Markel HubinetteMarkel joined the industry in 2003 “by accident” as a Field Service Engineer for Centrilift, Baker Hughes in Argentina. He held different technical roles throughout South America prior to heading up the Tender Team in Latin America in 2007. The year after, he was sent to Norway to run a tender towards Statoil, where ConocoPhillips made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

During the last 9 Years at ConocoPhillips Markel has worked as a Well Integrity Engineer and spent 4 years offshore at Ekofisk as Operations Engineer and Operations supervisor before returning to shore to assume the Team Lead role for the Production Delivery group in Norway. In 2014 he was sent to Aberdeen as the J-Area Development Manager and has been in his current role; Greater Britannia Area Asset Manager since 2015.

Markel holds Bachelor degrees in Engineering, Finance and International Business from University of Arkansas and California National University.
