Partnering for Solutions: Production optimisation for brownfield assets in the UKCS. Nazli Demiroren – EXPRO North Sea Ltd.

February 2020

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Partnering for Solutions: Production Optimisation for Brownfield Assets in UKCS

Nazli Demiroren, Production Optimisation Product Line Manager, EXPRO North Sea Ltd



Production optimisation efforts in the UKCS has gained momentum with the Oil & Gas Authority’s MER UK strategy encouraging operators and service providers to work collaboratively towards a single goal: Vision 2035.

With this in mind, this presentation will showcase some of our leading edge production optimisation solutions and case studies touching on the common pain points in the UKCS ranging from the sand face up to tubing across the topsides. Considering the age of the UKCS and the rise of the brownfields in the sector it is believed to be a very engaging discussion.

Please join us while we seek the answers to the most burning questions: Do we optimise enough? What’s standing in our way to do more?


