Energising The Energy Transition. Paul de Leeuw, RGU

May 2021

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SPE Aberdeen Net Zero Committee Presents:

Energising The Energy Transition

Professor Paul de Leeuw, Director Energy Transition Institute, Robert Gordon University


As each year has its own unique challenges, 2021 will probably be defined by the global response to COVID-19 and the climate emergency. The global vaccination programme, the upcoming United Nations COP26 conference and the prospect to build a better and greener society will provide the opportunity to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges. COVID-19 has helped to unite the world against a common cause and has demonstrated that the global community can step up to do remarkable things.

Against this backdrop, Professor Paul de Leeuw from Robert Gordon University will talk about how we can build on this positive momentum to manage the energy transition and to ensure the sustainability of our planet.


Paul is a senior industry leader and executive with over 30 years’ experience in the global energy sector.
He has worked in a wide range of companies, including Shell, Marathon Oil, Amoco, BP, Venture Production and Centrica.
He is currently the Director of Robert Gordon University’s Energy Transition Institute, a Professor at Robert Gordon University, Chair of PlanSea Solutions, and a board member of the OGTC.
Paul is an experienced non-executive director, with over 20 years of involvement in public, private and voluntary sector organisations.
Paul is also a regular contributor to industry events and a commentator on issues and developments in the international energy sector.




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The link to join this event (on Zoom) will be sent out in advance of the event

Member rates apply to members of: SPE, EI, AXIS, IMechE, ICoTA, IMC, OGUK

Student rate applies to full time students only

All prices are inclusive of VAT

Any problems booking for this event, please contact Diane Wood aberdeen.manager@spe-uk.org
