YP Simplified Series. The Energy Transition and the Oil & Gas Sector. Sam Gomersall, Pale Blue Dot Energy

May 2019

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YP Simplified Series Presents:

The Energy Transition and the O&G Sector

Sam Gomersall, Hydrogen Champion, Pale Blue Dot Energy


Registration and networking from 6.00 pm, with the event starting at 6.45 pm



The hydrocarbon reserves already discovered cannot be produced if we are to meet our Paris Climate Change obligations. This presents a significant challenge for the O&G sector. Young professionals today will be working in a very different world when they retire in 20-30 years time. The energy transition is a massive challenge or a massive opportunity depending on your approach. Sam will discuss energy transition activity in carbon capture and storage (CCS), hydrogen and electrification which present an opportunity for the O&G supply chain and the professionals within.



Sam has a long background in upstream O&G having worked as a Petroleum Engineer, Project Manager, Business Manager, Marketing Manager in companies including Britoil, Marathon and Schlumberger. For the last 12 years Sam has been focused on addressing climate change by developing clean energy options as part of the low carbon transition. Sam and the team at Pale Blue Dot Energy are focused on Carbon Capture and Storage and Hydrogen along with industrial decarbonisation.

The team are involved with developing a hydrogen and CCS project at St Fergus called Acorn.


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Free to attend but booking is essential.

Any problems with booking please get in touch with Diane Wood aberdeen.manager@spe-uk.org
